It all comes down to this, if you feel like you might need a "do over" in your life, there is one available, It's found in Jesus. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says "Therefore if anyone is Christ, He is a new creation (or New Creature in the King James) The old has gone and the new has come."
When we invite Jesus into our hearts and accept Him as Lord and Savior, He transforms us and allows us to start life over with a clean slate.
The Bible says that all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God. Sin simply means to miss the mark, that nobody's perfect. We all knew that already. But sin builds up in our lives and makes life harder and harder. And sin separates us from God. To be right with God, we need sin out of our lives. Problem is we can't do that on our own. So if we sin we can't be with God, we can't go to heaven where He is and try as we might we can't get rid of our sin altogether. This leaves us doomed.
But there's a problem...
God loves us and he doesn't want us to be separated from Him. He wants us to live with Him forever, in this life and the one that is to come. Sin needed to be gone from our lives for good. The Bible says that the wages of sin is death. So Jesus Christ, the son of God came and died in our place. He traded his life for ours, so that if we will believe in Him (that He is the Son of God, that He died to take away the sin of the world and that He rose again from the grace) we can inherit eternal life and become the children of God. The blood of Jesus washed away our sins and gives us the ability to start over with a clean slate.
If you want to start over and be a new creature, pray to God, ask Jesus to be your savior, to save you from your sins and help you to start over living without your sin. Ask Him to forgive you and ask Him to be your Lord, which means your master. Ask Him to lead you in the right way and ask Him to change your life. After all you wouldn't want a fresh start and then go back to all the stuff that is hurting you, would you? Ask Him to help you to follow Him and thank Him.
You're a New Creature...
If you prayed that prayer and meant it with all your heart, you are forgiven no matter what you've done. Now the big key is not to go back to your old ways.
God will help you with that, so keep praying, God will never get tired of hearing from you. Get a Bible and read it, so you can know more about Jesus and learn what he is like and learn to follow Him. If you are new to the Bible, I recommend that you don't just start at the beginning. The Bible is not really one book but a collection of 66 books that all point to Jesus. I recommend that you start with the books of Luke and John. These books will really help you to see what Jesus is like.
There's one more thing that you NEED to do. There's a lot more to living this new life than I can share with you here. You need to find a church, a good strong, Bible believing church, to guide you and help you to understand what you're reading in the Bible and help you to follow Jesus. I'd love for you all to come to my church (and if you're in the Reading, Pennsylvania area, please do. ) but that would be impossible for most of you, but please find a church where you fit and let them help you worship and serve the Lord.
If you've made the decision to accept Christ, I'd love to know about it. Please drop me an email me with "I'm a New Creature" In the Subject line.
Welcome to the family of God
Your Brother in Jesus
DC (Dave) Weiss
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